Eco-Friendly LED Signage!
While COVID-19 – or coronavirus as it’s more commonly referred to by the non-medical multitude – has, rightly so, hogged the news these last few weeks and relegated other pressing issues such as environmental responsibility and sustainability to a battle over the crumbs, it’s important to remember that once the virus is controlled, we’ll still be faced with green challenges.
We’ll again be pondering energy consumption and carbon emissions, grappling with carbon footprints, debating how best to deal with the rising mountain of landfill and contemplating measures to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren.
We’ll attempt to hone and finetune our corporate social responsibility in this area.
It has always been a strong focus at VitrineMedia as we strive to offer a suite of products made from materials that are recyclable – and both our static backlit Eco-Friendly LED Signage and our latex printing tick the box – and, in the Aussie vernacular and in the case of our screens, run on the sniff of an oily rag.
As you’re probably also trying to do the right thing by the environment, I thought I’d share a little exercise that should, once and for all, sound the death knell of the digital debate.
Let’s call it the ‘Numbers to leave you numb’ exercise, numb being used in the sense that you are unable to think, feel or react normally because of something that shocks you so.
In the one corner is the 55-inch television monitor, in the other the VitrineMedia static backlit A3 LED screen.
We’ve heard all about the TV screen’s attributes, its moving pictures, its gee-whizz technology and the greater flexibility it offers. They’re often touted as major advantages over what’s sometimes seen as the less ‘sexy’ static LED screen.
In the world of global warming, climate change and environmental vandalism, I think it’s about time all the cards were laid bare on the table, the cost of ownership, the cost of running the product, its energy consumption, its impact on our world…and so the list goes on.
Consider the following:
Abraham is a TV tragic, always has been; Benjamin could best be described as a static LED aficionado.
Abraham invests in a 55-inch TV monitor in his business on the high street, Benjamin across the way settles for a similarly sized VitrineMedia A1 LED screen.
Let’s assume Abraham and Benjamin both run their displays for 12 hours a day. Abraham’s monitor uses 400 watts of power per hour, which translates into 4,800 watts per day. Taking the maths a step further, over a 365-day year Abraham’s 55-inch monitor will consume 1,75-million watts.
On the other side of the street, Benjamin’s A1 screen shines more brightly – and on a much less ravenous appetite. It nibbles away at just 20 watts per hour and when the timer switches off after 12 hours, the screen has used just 240 watts.
That, over the year, amounts to $87,000 watts.
Stay with me, because it’s here that things start to get really interesting…
With the Eco-Friendly LED Signage panels on the A1 screen guaranteed for 80,000 hours – which equates to almost 10 years of non-stop use – we can comfortably assume Benjamin will get 10 years’ life from his screen, especially as he’s running it for just 12 hours per day.
His energy consumption for the 10-year period comes in at 870,000 watts…or less than half of what the guzzling 55-inch monitor would devour in just one year.
Added to that, when their respective lives come to an end, VitrineMedia static Eco-Friendly LED Signage & backlit LED screens will head off to be recycled while Abraham, you can be sure, will be sending a good few components of his monitor to landfill.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, literally speaking, of course, as we don’t wish to promote smoking or pollution of any form…
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